Σχόλια από εκτροφείς που χρησιμοποιούν το Breedmax

Η άποψη σας για το Breedmax είναι σημαντική για εμάς αλλά και για όλους τους εκτροφείς που δεν έχουν ανακαλύψει τις δυνατότητες του. Προσθέστε λοιπόν πιο κάτω τη γνώμη σας

11 σχόλια:

  1. Πιο κάτω θα δείτε σχόλια από άτομα που χρησιμοποίησαν το Breedmax.
    Πηγή: http://www.parrot-link.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29902&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15&sid=2d67b786282fd9a67e958c610d30420b

    I bought some at the Newark show last year, and so far I am having one of the best breeding years I think I ever had.

    Maybe just a spooky coincidence, but I will be looking to buy some from you as soon as my current stock runs out

    But I would keep it quite otherwise the price may go up

    I think it must include a special love potion, a pair of Eclectus parrots I have would only pass the time of day on the wing before I tried Breedmax

    Now the hen has changed completely, looks with adorement at the cock and now they are doing everything together

    I have a pair I've had for 9 years they always lay 4 eggs. This time she's sitting on 5 eggs and another pair have just gone down now so I'll wait and see how many she lays.

    i have 2 pairs od BHC, both have been going mad for the last couple of weeks mating loads, it’s certainly giving them stamina but no eggs, perhaps too much breedmax!!!. lol i,m sure eggs will come

  2. Breedmax is a product of excellent friend, the results are fantastic, it contains minerals necessary for growth.
    Αρχική γλώσσα: Πορτογαλλικά
    Πηγή: http://canariculturatuga.com/forum/truques-e-dicas/breedmax/

  3. Making Breeding Simple - Conditioning - Protein
    Wonder if I'm getting the real stuff or the placebo?

    Whichever it is, it tastes great!!!

    Enriched Diet Continued

    And finally, higher levels of protein, particularly methionine and lysine, help birds reach full breeding condition. Proteins, although some of the best foods for birds, especially when bringing into breeding condition, molting or rearing young, when given in excess can cause a wide array of problems such as aggression, sealed chick vents, and pasted vents in longer feathered birds.

    Protein Choices

    Proteins are made up of amino acids, some of which are considered a dietary essential as they can not be manufactured by the body and must be provided in the diet. The quality of the protein is determined by the balance of amino acids and the ability to be utilized which can be interfered with by interaction with other substances, such as simple sugars forms a complex making lysine unavailable to the animal.

    Hard boiled eggs are a popular source of complete protein and are exceptionally nutritious. On the down side, feeding animal protein can produce aggression, a serious compatibility problem, and when too much is feed a bird may develop health problems such as gout and kidney damage.

    Better and easier protein conditioning can be accomplished using complimentary plant foods that are high in amino acids such as soy which is especially good for breeding condition, brewers yeast which is a great conditioner and is also high in B vitamins, and bee pollen which is not only high in amino acids and vitamins but very low fat.

    Πηγή: http://canarytales.blogspot.com/2010/02/making-breeding-simple-part-2-d.html

  4. The breedmax is a dietary supplement for birds.
    It provides a good condition and optimum fertility in adult birds, a decrease in mortality and good growth of young birds.
    Personally, I mix the mash at a rate of one teaspoon per 100 grams of food, especially during breeding.

    1 comment: me since I give them less mortality in the nest a +

    Πηγή: http://claudeaudiger.skyrock.com/433481811-Le-breedmax.html

  5. I consider the Breedmax as an excellent supplement for feeding my canaries.
    It is a product that does not dispense in my canaril, last year gave the normal, this year I will give white.

    Αρχική γλώσσα: Πορτογαλλικά
    Πηγή: http://canariosvm.blogspot.com/2010/01/breedmax-e-um-suplemento-alimentar-para_12.html

  6. Good, I already use for about three years and only say good ... And never did me wrong the birds has always been healthy.
    good ...
    effective is undoubtedly ...
    proteins and vitamins are not ...
    ie, exaggeration is capable arreventar you all the birds ...
    has the same function as hormones that takes a lot of people ...
    in my opinion i say 100gr per kilo of porridge, I personally use only 50gr ...
    Good, I already use for about three years and only say good ... And never did me wrong the birds has always been healthy.

    Αρχική γλώσσα: Πορτογαλλικά
    Πηγή: http://forum.avespt.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4601

    1. On Friday, March 2, 2007, 21:20 by mathieu Reply to this comment
    I confirm: breedmax and a very good supplement that I use too! plus he has a very tempting smell, it gives really want to eat!

    2. On Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 17:51 by Victor Reply to this comment
    I had problem in my breeding fertility and I was advised BREEDMAX.
    I'll try, it works because it already has better mine my birds.
    We'll see when breeding.
    BREEDMAX Sauln'oiseaux is available from the official distributor for France (www.sauln 'oiseaux.com)

    Αρχική γλώσσα: Γαλλικά
    Πηγή: http://www.apdcanari.com/index.php?post/2007/02/22/182-breedmax-aliment-complementaire-pour-oiseaux

  8. Σε αυτή τη σελίδα θα προσέξετε ότι παρόλο που χρησιμοποιά προιόντα συγεκριμένης εταιρείας παρόλα ταύτα χρησιμοποιά το Breedmax ως συμπλήρωμα διατροφής στα πουλιά του.

    Αρχική γλώσσα: Ισπανικά
    Πηγή: http://wwwcanariosnino-ninogloster.blogspot.com/

  9. Αυτό είναι το σχόλιο που μου έστειλε ο κύριος Ken Rix
    We have about 16 crest hens , and 30 Norwich, We keep No feeders, Our birds self rear.
    We have used Breedmax, for quite a few years, never bred less than 200 young, When you start with breedmax . You use 1 scoop which is in the box to 100gms softfood, you gradual build up the feed from once a week to every other day, When you hatch your first chicks reduce the breedmax half strenght. Our birds stay on this till the end off the moult, normally end October. nov/ dec no breedmax. And start the build up in January.

    We use eggfood, the only thing added is breedmax, it is a complete food.... Ken

    Dry eggfood, the vitamins etc are in the Breedmax...

    Fred and Ken Rix
    Midlands, UK
    Champion breeders of Norwich and Crested canaries

    Σε ερώτηση για άλλα συμπληρώματα διατροφής, ήταν κατηγορηματικός αλλά δεν τα απραθέτουμε γιατί αναφέρονται εταιρείες που κυκλοφορούν στις αγορές μας.

  10. Σχόλιο από την πασίγνωστη Linda Hogan. Στη σελίδα της που την αναφέρει πιο κάτω θα βρείτε 3 άρθρα που σχετίζονται με αυτό το προίον και δοκιμές που έκανε με τα πουλιά της χρησιμοποιώντας το Breedmax.
    Breedmax is an excellent product to increase and simplify canary production! I appreciate products that suggest a measured amount to feed as it takes the guess work out of feeding it.
    I fed it daily to my canaries and noted that all paired hens were inviting mating leading to a high fertility rate. I ran some experiments where the more difficult breeds (Borders) were given it six weeks before breeding and compared to easy to breed (German rollers) which received it three weeks before breeding. As expected the Borders are producing more early nest than the rollers!! Next year I will feed it six weeks before breeding. Note: I do not feed any egg containing nestling food prior to pairing.

    My Bog www.canarytales.blogspot.com
    Linda S. Hogan

  11. Στη σελίδα αυτή του πραγματικά εντυπωσιακού Γάλλου εκτροφέα κατεβείτε στο τέλος της σελίδας του και ασφαλέστατα θα δείτε ότι και αυτός χρησιμοποιεί το Breedmax στην αυγοτροφή.
